Project summary:
A.B is the first DAO architecture practice.

About DAO’s:
A decentralised autonomous organisation is a new type of cooperative. DAOs use the internet to enable groups of any size to organize to fulfull a common purpose. Using technology, DAO’s can pool and democratically manage resources in ways that were previously not possible.

With internationally organised groups, where individual members may not know one another, there must be a way to establish trust between group memebrs for any long term shared project. In a DAO, trust is established through software, called smart contracts. Smart contracts provide a consistent and transpatent frameowrk for making descisions, and in come cases, the smart contract can act on behalf of the DAO. such as by spending money out of a DAO treasury.

The problem. Architectures heavy past:
Architecture has historically been a profession which is top heavy, market focussed, under organised, disconnected from reality, unwaiveringly elitist, and exploitative and locally conservative. Because of this architects tend to work for dominant centralised forces such as dictators or monopolistic figures. Aswel as this, architectural organisations have been simplified to engaging with space using only a single method. But do people really want to work like this?  Or is it just a position thats been inherited from architectures past. Emergent forms of decentralised organisations give us the opportunity to transform architectural practice. Introducing immutible, trustless systems alongside the practice of creating and maintaining the built environment, the potential for architecture group as spatial practitioners is drastically expanded and new era of collaboration, and internationalism can evolve.

The solution. A new kind of architectural practice:
The A.B DAO includes new, clearer structure to evolve into Membership organisation, this means people can be allocated Tokens, make Proposals and partake in Voting and expand the horizon and relations of architectural practice. Initially DAO exists in order to channel the resourcs and talent of it’s members to acomplish a goal. Initially, it might be simple task, such as how to collectively purchase an item or rent a space. However, what happens next? Who maintains it? Who makes these descisions, and how are they made? 

A.B is a decentralised organisation. We have a built-in treasury, no one has the authority to access without the approval of the group, aswell as treasuries for individual branch projects that indiviudal members have greater autonomy over. Key-financial decisions are governed by proposals and voting to ensure everyone in the organization has a voice. No one member has the ability to dispute the validity of the input of another token holder, or their right to participate.

Voting and proposals:
The DAO works to support varied and divergent practice of many sorts, and contexts. From a project in croatia, to a project. A network of practitioners pool their funds for office spaces and software subscriptions, to shared assets, and funding mechanisms for vital projects.

Shares for different causes are possible. Main-tokens (Core team of A.B) tokens that reflect shares in the main A.B organization and are its core governance token. The main tokens are for people who are considered central members of the organization, the equivalent of a partner or a worker co-operative member. 

There are different models for DAO membership. Membership can determine how voting works and other key parts of the DAO. Share-based DAOs more permissioned. They are still quite open. Any prospective members can submit a proposal to join the DAO, usually offering tribute of some value in the form of tokens or work. Shares represent direct voting power and ownership. Members can exit at anytime with their proportionate share of the treasury.

Tokens are distributed according to time of commitment, contributions and labor given to the organisation. Governance tokens allow members to input into the direction of Ventures and grants – you can influence a venture or proposal by voting to fund it.  Repay money that could later be redistributed amongst DAO-members. When a project is undertaken, project tokens reflect shares and powers in various sub organizations and initiatives that are created by A.B. Giving members a larger stake in new initiatives as they arise. They are given to people who are the source of origin for sub initiatives, or regular end users of the service, and who have a valuable stake in that area but may not be a part of the core team.

Periods of leadership and project growth:
Every organisation needs people with foresight taking indicators from the environment, and leading on the development and growth of that organisation as a whole. It’s better to have clairity around this rather than pretend it doesnt exist at all. The DAO has a contract for the team responsible to lead on the development and building/growing the organisation. They are given responsibility over 4-8 years to lead on the organisations growth, this includes building the community, ensuring the management and running of the organisation works.  

The backbone of a DAO is its smart contract. The contract defines the rules of the organization and holds the group's treasury, once the contract is live, no one can change the rules except by a vote. This means that DAOs don't need a central authority. Instead the group makes decisions collectively and payments are authorized automatically when votes pass. If anyone tries to do something that's not covered by the rules and logic in the code, it will fail. And because the treasury is defined by the smart contract too that means no one can spend the money without the group's approval either.

Financial feasibility:
Social architectures services.
Support for organisations.
A real playong field. 
Environmental, such as retrofit.

Competitive analysis:
Current prospective rivals.
-Analysis of clubs and bars in the area.
-Who are your competitors

Strengths and weaknesses:

Market analysis:

Management summary:

Operations plan:

Marketing plan:

Financial plan:

Daily buisiness activities:

Core team:
Initial team. 
Fran Edgerly.
Louis Koseda.



Capital requested:

Industry background:
Fran, Assemble.

Marketing strategy:
Market with content.
Build partnerships.
Word of mouth.
Market through video lectures and talks. 

A.B core tokens. Released over two eras. 
10% allocated to development team.
10% Allocated to Develop the project.
0.5%. Foundation.
2.46 billion allocated to core development,  voluntarily adopting the following vesting schedule:   

A third of immediately available to development team. 
A third made available on two years in and allocated to team memvers
The final third of IOHK’s Ada made available 5 years in and allocated to team members.

Allocate 20%.
25.9 billion in a public token distribution September 2015 to January 2017. 
2.46 billion allocated to core development team which voluntarily adopted the following vesting schedule for its Ada: 

2.07 billion  were allocated to Emurgo.
0.648 billion ADA were allocated to the Foundation.

Proposal Justification:
  • The name(s) and/or username(s) of the author(s) of the proposal. The author(s) SHOULD be the primary point of contact for any questions or comments regarding the proposal.
  • The author’s preferred contact method, in case anyone has questions or comments regarding the proposal.
  • An accurate summary of the proposal in 280 characters or less.
  • A rationale section detailing the author’s reason(s) for creating the proposal.
  • An accurate, long-form description of what the proposal will do if enacted.
  • A section acknowledging by title and author(s) any similar or related prior work known to the proposal author(s).
  • If the proposal amends one or more Network contracts, then a security audit report of the Network contract amendment MUST be included in the Justification. This security audit report MUST be produced by a third-party security auditor and remain publicly accessible for as long as the amendment is in effect. The third-party security auditor MUST NOT have any financial relationship to the proposal author(s) aside from their being hired to perform the security audit.

[Development and early leadership] - Founders have the responsibility to develop and build the organisation. 
- Writing strategies. 

[Proposal making] -
[Spending] -
[Voting] -
[Release and allocation] -
[Security] -

In terms of ownership a organised through a DAO, or a decentralised autonomous organisation. We believe that these experiments may lead to new models of architectural; practice in the future.This builds from a social co-operative model, developing and expanding with the technologies we have available today. Architectural consumer co-operatives.

-Inspired and advancing on projects we are involved with, assemble, NFS, easa,Grows from studies on multiple forms of organisation, research in partnership with Gent. Aswell as paying attention and understanding to labor capital relations.

[See our smart contract]

[Dao research]

[DAO Articles of association and Process]

[Dao leadership]

[Diagram of DAO. How it will create varied stakes of ownership/control at different levels.]